honda accord and prius - top cars for catalytic converter theft

Which cars are most likely to have their catalytic converter stolen

Catalytic converter thefts have been skyrocketing for the past several years, and it appears to be getting worse. With the economic turbulence due to Covid-19 and high gas prices, more thieves are turning to catalytic converters for their precious metals. While any car built after 1974 can be a target, the vehicles below have the

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stolen catalytic converter

Which cars are least likely to have catalytic converters stolen?

According to insurance companies and law enforcement agencies, catalytic converter theft is at an all-time high. In this article, we set out to share the cars and trucks least likely to have their catalytic converters stolen. While any vehicle can be a target, there are vehicles where catalytic converter theft is less likely because their

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Prius Catalytic Converter Theft Tips

How to prevent catalytic converter theft on a Toyota Prius

If you are a Toyota Prius owner, you likely love your car. Unfortunately, so do catalytic converter thieves. Because of this, the Toyota Prius is the #1 vehicle targeted for catalytic converter theft in the United States according to insurance companies and law enforcement agencies. And due to skyrocketing metal prices and supply chain issues,

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replacing a stolen catalytic converter

Why Do People Steal Catalytic Converters From Cars?

Chances are if you are reading this article your catalytic converter has been stolen, or you are interested in preventing a catalytic converter from being stolen. Catalytic converters are part of a vehicle’s exhaust system that helps reduce toxic emissions. They are frequently stolen because they contain precious metals like platinum, rhodium, palladium. Catalytic converter

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